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Challenges and opportunities of the GDPR

The 3 major axes of the GDPR

  • Reinforcement of people's rights
  • A new logic of accountability for all those involved in data processing
  • Strengthening the powers of European data protection authorities

The main objectives of the GDPR

  • Giving individuals a better understanding of how their data is used
  • Building trust, essential to the success of public policies, the development of commercial transactions and technological innovations
  • Rebalancing competition with regard to the law applicable in the EU for international players

For many companies, the GDPR is a constraint that would generate costs and prevent them from working efficiently.

In reality, the GDPR is an opportunity!

On the Web, a compliant website is a vector of trust.

The added value of integrating the GDPR into a company or administration

  • Better governance (organization management) and process efficiency
  • Data enhancement for greater efficiency
  • Trust-building: putting the customer or user at the heart of the process
  • Competitive edge: commercial advantage over the competition